Archive: stories

2016 Regular Legislative Session Ended; First Special Session Convened

March 15, 2016

Exterior of Sutton Hall

Today is day six of the 2016 first special session. Last Thursday was the final day of the 2016 regular supplemental session. The regular session was adjourned at 9 p.m. without a budget agreement and the Governor immediately convened the first special session. The governor has authority under the Washington State Constitution to call a

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Budget Week

February 25, 2016

Photo: Fountain outside of the library

2016 Supplemental Session, Day 46 Wow! We are just two short weeks away from adjournment of the 2016 legislative session (assuming all goes well). This week we saw budgets from both the House and Senate. As we mentioned before, this is a supplemental session and is only intended for small tweaks to last year’s budgets.

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Computer Science & Engineering Day in Olympia

Photo: Students collaborating in computer lab

On Tuesday we welcomed President Cullinan, EWU Board Chair Murphy, two alums, two faculty members, and five students to Olympia. The purpose of the day was to brag about our excellent computer science and engineering programs with key legislators. Over the course of the day, we engaged 16 legislators and had opportunities to share who

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February 10, 2016

Photo: Close up of icy eagle sculpture

2016 Supplemental Legislative Session, Day 31 of 60 Yesterday was the second major cut-off of the 2016 legislative session–fiscal cut off in the house of origin. As of today, no new bills can be introduced and if they have a cost they must have been approved by the fiscal committee. This was the second substantial

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President Cullinan Visits Olympia

Today is day 12 of the 2016 legislative session. Yesterday, President Cullinan participated in the 2016 Greater Spokane Incorporated Olympia fly-in. We had the opportunity to hear from legislative leaders about their 2016 legislative priorities including paying for last year’s historic fire season, additional necessary investments in mental health, and continuing to identify strategies to

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EWU Veterans Resource Center Highlighted in Senate and EWU Trustees Visit

Group photo of EWU staff

On the 9th day of the Legislative Session, my true love (EWU) gave to me… visits from some distinguished campus guests including: Dave Millet, Director of the Veterans Resource Center John Neace, our resident expert in credit for prior learning Trustee Uriel Iñiguez Trustee Jay Manning Trustee Robert Whaley Dave Millet and John Neace have

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2016 Supplemental Legislative Session, Day 5

The WA Constitution says that the Legislature will hold regular sessions every year, beginning on the second Monday of January. The Legislature operates on a biennial schedule, or a 2-year period. A new biennium begins every odd-numbered year and lasts for 105 calendar days. This is known as a long session, and it is when

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