Archive: stories

Skyler Oberst celebrates the interfaith community

March 20, 2017 by easternmagazine

Skyler Oberst outside with prayer beads

Skyler Oberst is easy to pick out of a crowd of young professionals. It isn’t his fashionable eyeglasses, his watch and matching leather shoes, or the geometry of creases on his shirt and slacks that could only come from an ironing board. It’s something else – an unmistakable sense of purpose multiplied by passion. Trim

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Independent spirit powers entrepreneurial journey

by easternmagazine

Two well-dressed students in a fancy kitchen

With Crystal (Balcom) Ju’s fear came a sense of longing. She longed for adventure, for travel, for fulfilling work. Her ambition and bravery led her down a path she never imagined – owning a successful international business in South Korea with her husband. Fresh from EWU graduation in 2010 with a car packed full of

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An EWU Spin on Giving Tuesday

by eastern247

Student and Pat Spanjer posing outside the library on Giving Joy Day

Giving Joy Day is EWU’s version of the international Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to encouraging generosity and goodwill at the beginning of the holiday season. The event, which will happen again next year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, has two purposes – to help raise funds for EWU scholarships and to spread joy and perform

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Bachelor’s in Computing & Engineering at EWU

March 16, 2017

Aerial shot of downtown Spokane

Today is Day 67 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session One of EWU’s operating budget priorities this year is investment in a new Computing and Engineering degree pathway. If successful, EWU would be the first comprehensive regional university in the state to have CpE, joining UW and WSU in the offering. The effort to launch CpE

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EWU English Language Institute preps international students for university

by eastern247

Student discussion in a classroom

The English Language Institute (ELI) at Eastern Washington University focuses on helping international students learn English so they can stay on track and succeed in university-level education. The ELI is an intensive English program that supports students to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills before entering classes at a university. “When I came

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Looking Ahead: Revenue Forecast, Budgets, and Negotiation

March 14, 2017

Photo: Campus Aerial

Today is Day 65 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session. 40 more days to go! Since our last post, we have now passed House of Origin cutoff and returned back to committee work. This means that for a bill to still be alive, it must have passed off the floor in the chamber that it

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Day 40: Policy Cutoff

February 17, 2017

Picture: Top of Showalter Hall

Today is Day 40 of the 2017 Regular Session–and House of Origin policy cutoff! So, what does policy cutoff mean? It means that today is the last day to pass policy bills out of committee. Bills that are not voted out of their policy committee by end of day today are “dead.” Unless they are

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Trustees Visit & Washington Competes

February 8, 2017

Washington State Flag

Today is Day 31 of the 2017 Regular Session. Last week, we had Trustees Murphy, Wilson, Tanaka, and Manning in town for the annual Trustees and Regents day. We had over 30 Trustees and Regents participating from nearly every public college and university in the state. Over the course of the day, Trustees met with

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EWU ties for first in GameDay Recycling Challenge

by eastern247

Cans crushed into blocks

Eastern Washington University tied for first place with Ohio University in the 2016 GameDay Recycling Challenge, a nationwide competition among 79 colleges and universities to reduce and recycle the waste generated at home football games. EWU won with a diversion rate of 95.6 percent. During each competition cycle, participating schools report recycling, compost and attendance data for

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President Cullinan Presents Before the State Senate

February 1, 2017

Aerial photo of the EWU campus in summer

Today is Day 24 of the 2017 Regular Session Last week, Dr. Cullinan joined us for two days in Olympia. She presented before the Senate Ways and Means Committee on the impact of recent state investments in EWU as well as her work on the Graduation Project. You can watch her presentation at www.tvw.org. Dr.

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