Category: Students

Aiko Nagabuchi

May 13, 2018 by eastern247

Photo: Aiko Nagabuchi in library

Aiko Nagabuchi studies teaching English as a second language. The tight-knit community is one of Nagabuchi’s favorite parts of her EWU experience, as well as her program which keeps her in-the-loop with international students.

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Samuel Wani

May 12, 2018 by eastern247

Photo: Student Samuel Wani

Samuel Wani says the psychology program at EWU Bellevue has catered to his needs, and has made it easy for him to work full-time while being a full-time student. He considers the one-on-one time with instructors and counselors a privilege, and his overall experience has been an investment in himself that he considered worthwhile.

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Student Profile: Shannon Kellam

February 12, 2018 by eastern247

Picture: Student smiling in a lab

Shannon Kellam is full-time engineering student at EWU, president of the Rocketry Club, and a single mother to a fifth- and third-grader. As if she weren’t busy enough, Kellam also helped to build a 3D-printed prosthetic arm for Spokane Public Schools fifth-grader Isaiah Strom. A team from EWU’s Engineering Department, which included Kellam, engineering tech Frank De

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Aaron Parr

September 8, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: student Aaron Parr

Aaron Parr mentors high school students in the inner city, who are his inspiration to get through college. Parr wants to be a shining example of someone who’s come from a similar situation and pursued a college education.

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Celiann “CeCe” George

by eastern247

Photo: Celian "CeCe" George

EWU student Celiann “CeCe” George was born in Montrouis, Haiti, a struggling tourist destination that has little else to bolster its economy. Haiti’s history of devastating hurricanes and earthquakes has led to ongoing health issues, crime and the most extreme poverty of any country in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti’s weak educational system makes it difficult

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Jennifer Leaf

August 8, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: Student working in a laboratory

Jennifer Leaf’s journey to Eastern Washington University wasn’t the typical high school to college path. After earning her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, Leaf spent 14 years in the computer science field, working her way up through the ranks. Four of those years were spent at Microsoft as a senior program manager before deciding she needed

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Siripond Siriwandee

May 16, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: Student Siripond Siriwandee

Siripond Siriwandee studies business at EWU Bellevue. She also works at her family’s business, and has been inspired by her parents to become an entrepreneur.

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Yoora Byeon

by eastern247

Photo: student Yoora Byeon

Meet Yoora Byeon, a mechanical engineering major from South Korea. Byeon enjoys watching football and learning about robots in EWU’s robotics lab.

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Sara Page

by eastern247

Photo: student Sara Page

After taking her first computer science class, Sara Page fell in love with the field. Combining computer science and her interest in mathematics has allowed her to solve problems with meaningful outcomes.

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Rebecca Troutt

by eastern247

Photo: student Rebecca Troutt

Rebecca Troutt is studying communication disorders and is member of the ROTC program at EWU. Her favorite part of ROTC is the family and support system she’s created with the people that are in it with her.

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