Category: Alumni

Independent spirit powers entrepreneurial journey

March 20, 2017 by easternmagazine

Two well-dressed students in a fancy kitchen

With Crystal (Balcom) Ju’s fear came a sense of longing. She longed for adventure, for travel, for fulfilling work. Her

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Not Your Father’s Philosophy

April 1, 2016 by easternmagazine

Photo: Professor of Philosophy Kevin Decker

By Kevin Decker, PhD Action figures? Check. Lightsaber? Check. Blu-ray copy of the latest J.J. Abrams film? Check. These are

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Super Collider

by easternmagazine

Student working in a physics lab

Physicist Kira Burt ’11, BS physics, only dreamed that one day she’d be working at the largest, longest-running collaborative science

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by easternmagazine

Photo of Tod Marshall

Marshall Named Washington’s Poet Laureate Tod Marshall (’92, MFA creative writing) isn’t afraid of taking on passion projects to promote

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