Bachelor of Science in Applied Developmental Psychology


The bachelor of science program is for undergraduates who are interested in learning about how people grow and change throughout their life course. You’ll get the chance to study child and adolescent development, adult development, adjustment, human relations, developmental theory, and research methodology. Students also take introductory courses in the field of counseling, complete a two-quarter field experience shadowing a psychologist, counselor, or another human service provider.

For additional information, please call the department at 509.359.6227 or email us at

Curriculum & Requirements Request Info

Printable Requirements

What You'll Learn

The following information comes from the official EWU catalog, which outlines all degree requirements and serves as the guide to earning a degree. Courses are designed to provide a well-rounded and versatile degree, covering a wide range of subject areas.

Field Study in Applied Developmental Psychology
(PSYC 493)

Each quarter of Field Study consists of completing at least 128 hours at an approved site, and meeting once a week on Thursdays from noon to 12:50 p.m.  To meet the 128 hours, students typically complete approximately 13 hours per week for 10 weeks.

Field Study is offered Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. To register for PSYC 493 you first must meet with the department field study advisor (Heidi Hillman) the quarter prior to the quarter you wish to begin your field study. To start field study fall quarter please contact the field study advisor by approximately the end of April; for winter quarter, by approximately the end of October; for spring quarter, by approximately the end of February. When you meet with the field study advisor (a) possible field study sites, (b) what is expected of Field Study students, and(c) learning contracts will be discussed. If you are interested in field study, please contact Heidi Hillman via e-mail

This is a list of sites where our students have completed the field study experience. The list is not exhaustive but should provide you with an idea of the places you might choose for this important experience.

Below are some schools where our students have completed the field study experience: 

Applied Developmental Psychology (BS) students complete a Focus-Experience which can be met in two ways: (a) two consecutive quarters of Field Study, or (b) one quarter of Field Study and 4 credits of PSYC 498 (Seminar) or PSYC 499 (Directed Study). This section addresses the Field Study specifically.