Archive: stories


July 10, 2023


The Chicana/o/x Studies program of Eastern Washington University celebrated its 2nd annual Latino and Chicano Graduation Ceremony on June 16th and we had over 80 students walk across the stage with over 320 of their family and friends attending! The Latino and Chicano graduation was first celebrated in June of 2021, an alternative commencement to

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Senior Highlight: Tim Senchenko

June 28, 2023

Facade of Hargreaves Hall in the Spring

In celebration of our college graduates, we reached out to our seniors for a little highlight and feedback from their time at Eastern. Congratulations on getting your degree! And welcome to the Eagle Alumni Family! Go Eags!     What is your major and minor/certificate and what made you choose that major/minor? Hi there, my name

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Senior Highlight: Kendall Beller

Closeup of an Eastern banner hanging from a lamp post

In celebration of our college graduates, we reached out to our seniors for a little highlight and feedback from their time at Eastern. Congratulations on getting your degree! And welcome to the Eagle Alumni Family! Go Eags!     What is your major and minor/certificate and what made you choose that major/minor? I will be receiving

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Senior Highlight: Joel Waggoner

Facade of Martin Hall

In celebration of our college graduates, we reached out to our seniors for a little highlight and feedback from their time at Eastern. Congratulations on getting your degree! And welcome to the Eagle Alumni Family! Go Eags!   What is your major and minor/certificate and what made you choose that major/minor? My major is Sociology

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Senior Highlight: Whitney Longie

Snow covered campus

In celebration of our college graduates, we reached out to our seniors for a little highlight and feedback from their time at Eastern. Congratulations on getting your degree! And welcome to the Eagle Alumni Family! Go Eags!   What is your major and minor/certificate and what made you choose that major/minor? I majored in Sociology

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Leyna Krow

Leyna bio feature

Leyna Krow graduated with her MFA from EWU in 2012. Her fiction has appeared in Ninth Letter, Prairie Schooner, Hayden’s Ferry Review, South Dakota Review, and other publications. She is the author of the short story collection I’m Fine, But You Appear To Be Sinking (Featherproof Books 2017) which was a Believer Book Award finalist and the novel Fire Season

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Ryan Scariano

Ryan Scariano bio feature

Ryan Scariano is the author of two poetry collections: Not Your Happy Dance (Finishing Line Press) and Smithereens (Imperfect Press). Some of his recent poetry has appeared in The American Journal of Poetry, basalt, Rock & Sling, Phantom Drift, The Oklahoma Review, and SOFTBLOW. He currently serves as an assistant poetry editor for Narrative Magazine.

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Maya Jewell Zeller

Maya Jewell Zeller bio feature

Maya Jewell Zeller, EWU MFA alum 2007, is the author of Rust Fish (which came out of her thesis project); Yesterday, the Bees; Alchemy for Cells & Other Beasts (a collaboration with visual artist Carrie DeBacker); and the forthcoming out takes/ glove box, chosen by Eduardo Corral for the New American Poetry Prize; she is also co-editor, with Sharma Shields, of

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Shann Ray

Shann Ray bio feature

Shann Ray grew up in Montana and spent part of his childhood on the Northern Cheyenne reservation. His work has been featured in Poetry, Narrative, Esquire, McSweeney’s, Poetry International, and Salon. Named a finalist with Ted Kooser’s Splitting an Order and Erin Belieu’s Slant Six, Ray’s debut book of poems, Balefire, won the High Plains Book Award in Poetry. A National Endowment for the Arts Literature

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Ashley Wurzbacher

Ashely bio feature

Ashley Wurzbacher earned her MFA in Fiction from Eastern in 2010 and her PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Houston in 2016. Her stories have appeared in The Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Gettysburg Review, The Kenyon Review Online, and elsewhere. Her novel, How to Care for a Human Girl (Atria Books) will be published in August 2023.

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