Archive: stories

EWU’s Enduring Support of Chicano Education

April 4, 2014

Closeup of an Eastern banner hanging from a lamp post

Let’s face it. Over the past few years, the Chicano Education Program (CEP) at Eastern Washington University has experienced challenging transitions. Not only was the University facing lean times, but the director also resigned, an interim was named, and the federal funding for the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) was not renewed. They say when

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Chertok Honored Students and Faculty Awards Reception 2012

June 16, 2012

Faculty member accepts an award

June 15th, 2012 the College of Social Sciences celebrated liberal arts education in the Social Sciences and Human Services and how it enriches our minds and our lives. We paused to honor those who have fully engaged their education with openness, zeal and a thirst for knowledge. We honored those who have achieved academic honors,

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Jeff Stafford

May 17, 2012

Student works on a computer outdoors

Jeff Stafford shares his experiences with hybrid learning and the specific technologies he has used in the classroom. He also discusses the importance of matching tools to objectives and the intentional use of technology in the classroom.

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Brenda Dervin

February 11, 2011

Closeup of an Eastern banner hanging from a lamp post

Brenda Dervin, a professor at The Ohio State University’s School of Communications, spoke February 10th, 2011 at Les Schwab Room at the Spokane Arena. Her lecture was titled Connecting with Specific Publics: Treating Communication Communicatively.

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The 100 Years Wars of the 20th Century

August 25, 2010

Aerial view of the Cheney campus

Former U.S. Ambassador Thomas D. Boyatt delivers his lecture on The 100 Years Wars of the 20th Century in Hargreaves Hall on the Cheney Campus of Eastern Washington University.

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Geshe Phelgye: Diversity and Interfaith Cooperation

March 26, 2010

Facade of Hargreaves Hall in the Spring

The Eastern Washington University campus community turned out in large numbers to listen to visiting Tibetan speaker Geshe Thupten Phelgye talk about diversity and interfaith cooperation, social and community service and Middle Eastern issues last week. A member of the Dalai Lama’s Tibetan Parliament in exile, Geshe Phelgye related his life experiences as a Buddhist

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