Category: English & Philosophy

Jessica Lakritz

Jessica Lakritz bio feature

Jessica Lakritz’s dream is to live without manmade clocks. So far, it has been successful intermittently, and she has been able to work online in mainly freelance writing, tutoring, and editing for the past three years. Since graduating from Eastern in 2010, Jessica has lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Portland, Oregon, Zihuatanejo, Mexico,

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Tom Holmes

Tom Holmes bio feature

Tom Holmes (class of ’04) is the editor of Redactions: Poetry & Poetics. He is also author of: The Cave, which won The Bitter Oleander Press Library of Poetry Book Award for 2013; Poems for an Empty Church (Palettes & Quills Press, 2011); The Oldest Stone in the World (Amsterdam Press, 2011); Henri, Sophie, & the Hieratic Head of Ezra Pound: Poems Blasted

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Asa Maria Bradley

Asa Maria Bradley bio feature

Class of 2010 nonfiction graduate Asa Maria Bradley sold her debut novel in a three-book deal to Sourcebooks. The first book in her paranormal romance series, Viking Warrior Rising, was a double finalist in the Romance Writers of America’s RITA awards for Best First Book and Best Paranormal Romance. The second book, Viking Warrior Rebel, earned 4.5 stars and

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Marie A. Hoffman

Marie A. Hoffman bio feature

Since graduating from the MFA program in poetry, Ann Huston has pursued her dream job of being a park ranger. She has worked as seasonal park ranger at Capitol Reef National Park in Utah; Coronado National Memorial in Arizona; Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park in Alaska; and Chiricahua National Monument in AZ. These parks and

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Ruth Williams

Ruth Williams

Ruth Williams is the author of Flatlands (Black Lawrence Press, 2018), a full-length collection of poetry, as well as two poetry chapbooks,  Nursewfiery (Jacar Press, 2019) and Conveyance (Dancing Girl Press, 2012). Her poetry has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, jubilat, Pleiades, and Third Coast among others. She has also published creative nonfiction in Crab

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Matthew Spaur

Matthew Spaur bio feature

While an MFA student at EWU, Matthew Spaur served as fiction editor for Willow Springs and was nominated for the AWP Intro Awards. After graduating in 1998, he was the co-owner and publisher of Spokane’s The Local Planet Weekly, a nationally recognized weekly newspaper. In his memoir Making a Small Fortune, he writes about launching the newspaper while caring

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Ingrid Johnson Keriotis

Ingrid Johnson Keriotis bio feature

Ingrid (Johnson) Keriotis received her MFA from Eastern Washington University in 2000. Her poems have appeared in Blue Unicorn, Talking River, and the Summer 2016 issue of Poetry Now Online. She is also published in the 2011 anthology More Than Soil, More Than Sky. She teaches English at Sierra College in California and read as part of the Yuba Lit reading

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Danielle Ward

Danielle Ward bio feature

After graduating from EWU with her Masters in creative writing, Danielle Ward helped spread the joy of reading and writing as the Get Lit! Program Director from 2008 to 2011. She then moved to San Diego, California and became the Literary Manager at the San Diego REPertory Theatre. This includes reading over 250 plays a year and leading the selection of

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Emily Van Kley

Emily van kley bio feature

After receiving her MFA in fiction in 2004, Emily Van Kley quickly switched to writing poetry. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, The Iowa Review, Best New Poets, and Best American Poetry among others. She’s a recipient of the Iowa Review Award, the Florida Review Editor’s Award, and the Loraine Williams Prize from

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Kimberly Povloski

June 22, 2019

Kimberly Povloski

2018 graduate of Eastern’s MFA in poetry, Kimberly Povloski’s debut poetry collection Hell of Birds won the Adrift Chapbook Contest by Driftwood Press and was published in January 2019.    

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